Chris Callow has been passionately involved in the agricultural industry for over 30 years; who has consolidated his expertise as owner and operator of Callow Livestock for the past 20 years.
Chris provides his clientele with an independent livestock service delivering relevant information, accurate market signals and up to date technology to assist producers maximise profit in their business.
Located at Dunedoo in Central West NSW, Chris & Kylee Callow are both from rural backgrounds & also run a mixed farming operation on a family property.
Our Goal; To offer an independent livestock service aimed at delivering relevant information, accurate market signals & up to date technology to assist producers maximise profit in their business.
• Licensed Stock & Station Agent & Level 1 Professional Auctions Plus Assessor
• Market Intelligence
• Targeted Market Turn-off - using pasture quality assessments, grazing management
& growth rate predictions
• Evaluation of the best marketing system to provide the best
Net return for your stock
• Sourcing of livestock
• Access to Live Export Markets
• Network & Co-ordination of agistment and backgrounding options throughout the eastern seaboard
• Access to live export markets
• Specialists in F1 Wagyu Marketing and forward contract sales
• Feeder Steers - $40.00 per head
• Kill Cattle & Breeding Lines Of Females (Heifers, PTIC Cows Or Cows & Calves) - 2.5% of Gross
• Cattle Sourcing & Co-ordination of Agistment/Backgrounding - $6.00 per head
• AuctionsPlus Assessment & Marketing - 2.5% of Gross ($600.00 fee applies if no sale is achieved or stock are withdrawn for A+ assessments.)
We have a sliding scale % for larger lines of stock & can customise a package to suit your marketing program.
Please call Tim or Chris to discuss any of the above.