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The Producer Collaborative - Australia » Where do you want to take our industry?

Posted by ONFARM Support - Admin on Jun 10, 2022

ONFARM is an enabler for you to take agriculture where you want. This is an opportunity to establish an organic grassroots body of farmers where we can gather a collection of voices, ideas and votes on the things that matter to you. With this we can take it where it's needed to produce an outcome that has the backing of its producers.

Once farmers connect, we can then engage with our consumers as a collective showcasing the hard work, knowledge, and investment that goes into growing our food. More importantly it's your why that will become the story they connect with.

Farmers have been the first and weakest link in the supply chain process without effective representation or connection to our consumers and politicians. Our industry's disorganisation has contributed to the disconnect with the end consumers while we continue to be dominated by a plethora of peak bodies who lack the backing of the producers they're meant to represent.

The voiceless farmers are price takers in a complex food system and will be a vulnerable target to offset some of the global inflationary pressures from the top of the supply chain.

We now have the means to muster our mob and stand strong together on the things that matter to you, in your business, state, nation and around the world.

We'd love to hear your ideas, your story and the top 2 issues you would like to prioritize and progress as a collective.

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What are the top 2 challenges you would like to address at an industry level?

Describe the main challenge you've identified.

Describe the second most important issue you would like to address.

What could we as farmers be doing to contribute towards a solution?

Describe an action farmers could take in contributing towards a solution for challenge 1.

Describe an action farmers could take towards being part of the solution in addressing challenge 2.

What is your 'why' for doing what you do in ag? This is an opportunity to collate a collection of stories our consumers will want to connect with.

In one paragraph, what is the story behind why you chose agriculture and specifically your operation and why it's important to you.