6 Items
  • Practices for Growing Larger, Firmer Blueberries
    by ONFARM Support 252 0 0
    AEA founder John Kempf describes the advanced concepts which AEA uses to grow very large and firm berries that are stable on the plant and in storage for longer periods. He shares the nutritional characteristics needed for growing larger, more firm berries, increased number of fruit per plant, fruit set, and yield. He also discusses how to supply available nutrition in pH-challenged soil and how to reduce mummy berry and other diseases. If you would like to work with AEA on your blueberries reach out to [email protected]. For more information visit www.advancingecoagriculture.com.
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  • A 100-year review of Florida citrus production—what is causing this steep decline?
    by ONFARM Support 260 0 0
    North America citrus production has seen a dramatic decrease over the last few decades—what is causing this steep decline? In AEA's August webinar, we welcomed back Dr. Thomas Dykstra, Laboratory Director of Dykstra Labs & Scientific Advisor at AEA, for a deep dive into the last 100 years of citrus production—focusing primarily on Florida oranges. Dr. Dykstra explains how modern agricultural practices are inadvertently inviting a succession of pests into citrus groves across the country and eventually, around the globe. https://www.advancingecoag.com/ Interested in attending a live webinar? Sign up for the AEA newsletter and get monthly updates on our webinar schedule and more! https://www.advancingecoag.com/newsletter-sign-up
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  • A 100-year review of Florida citrus production—what is causing this steep decline?
    by ONFARM Support 309 0 0
    North America citrus production has seen a dramatic decrease over the last few decades—what is causing this steep decline? In AEA's August webinar, we welcomed back Dr. Thomas Dykstra, Laboratory Director of Dykstra Labs & Scientific Advisor at AEA, for a deep dive into the last 100 years of citrus production—focusing primarily on Florida oranges. Dr. Dykstra explains how modern agricultural practices are inadvertently inviting a succession of pests into citrus groves across the country and eventually, around the globe. https://www.advancingecoag.com/ Interested in attending a live webinar? Sign up for the AEA newsletter and get monthly updates on our webinar schedule and more! https://www.advancingecoag.com/newsletter-sign-up
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  • Integrated Nutritional Management for Quality and Bitter Pit Resistance in Pome Fruit Production
    by ONFARM Support 335 0 0
    AEA founder John Kempf outlines the science of nutrition-based systems for pome fruit production. John shows an interpretative framework to determine the nutritional requirements of trees using field examples, explains the nutritional differences that affect calcium uptake in apple varieties predisposed to bitter pit, and gives important information on key nutrient considerations that affect fruit size and quality. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
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  • Nectarines Show 25% Yield Increase on CA Ranches in 2017
    by ONFARM Support 262 0 0
    Jimmy Simonian discusses with excitement the impact a customized AEA program has had on Simonian Fruit Company's fruit and profit after only 6 months of the program. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
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  • Fruit Growers Gains with AEA Regenerative Agriculture Systems
    by ONFARM Support 472 0 0
    Regenerative orchardists utilizing AEA products discuss yield improvements, frost and disease resistance, and financial improvements with fruits such as cherries, nectarines, and blueberries. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
    472 views 0 likes 0 comments